heat things up TempSure Vitalia®

I have a family of 5 now, and our bodies change with pregnancy but my sex drive definitely has not. Dr. K recommended this treatment at my last checkup visit and I’m so glad that I decided to try it. We feel much more pleasure together - my husband likes it too!”

-Jordan, Be Youthful Patient

Non-surgical tightening of vaginal tissues, no down time.

Be Youthful is proud to offer TempSure Vitalia® to the San Diego community. We believe that every woman should feel fresh and desirable. This treatment is effective at vaginal tightening, without invasive surgery and increases pleasure for both partners during intercourse. Having practiced OB/GYN medicine for over 25 years, Dr. Kohatsu is an expert in women’s vaginal and reproductive health. Watch the explainer video to see how this treatment works.

Laser Vaginal Tightening

A non surgical option to address many common issues.

The Tempsure™ Vitalia is a non-invasive radio frequency treatment to combat the effects of vaginal atrophy in women.

Some of the most common vaginal atrophy symptoms include:

  • Dryness

  • Burning

  • Itching

  • Incontinence

  • Increased need to urinate

  • Increased risk of urinary tract infections

  • Painful intercourse

Laser Vaginal Tightening San Diego

A More Comfortable Environment.

Be Youthful Aesthetics is woman-owned and operated by an all-female staff. For more personal procedures such as this one, you will feel welcome and safe.

Laser Vaginal Tightening



What to expect during treatment.

During your TempSure Vitalia treatment, a small handpiece is used to deliver radiofrequency heat to the vaginal canal. Typically, the tip of the handpiece is inserted into your vaginal canal to heat the internal tissue, but the external tissue can also be treated.

The feeling is of a hot sensation, but the process is comfortable and quick, taking just about 45 minutes. Although you’ll experience improvement after just one session, we recommend multiple sessions for best results.

Is this treatment right for me?

Age, hormone, and pregnancy can all affect feminine wellness and lead to decreased sexual pleasure, dryness, and laxity. If this sounds like you, it might be time to try TempSure Vitalia. The treatment also works well for women considering labiaplasty who don’t like the idea of going under the knife or downtime.

How many treatments are needed?

Most women notice a positive change soon after a session. You can expect changes to continue over the following weeks, too, as your body rebuilds natural tissue. Once you’ve undergone your multiple treatments, we usually recommend a yearly maintenance visit.