skin perfection with minimal downtime.
“When I was younger my skin was never great. Acne scarring created hyperpigmentation and an uneven surface. I would just cover it up every day with a bunch of makeup. I came to Be Youthful Aesthetics, and they recommended this new laser and it has been the best decision of my life. After a couple treatments, combined with the microneedling, I don’t even have to wear makeup and I can’t remember the last time I have looked and felt so good. I feel like me again.”
-Rachel, Be Youthful Patient
The newest technology offered at Be Youthful Aesthetics.
Our newest service offering, the Cartessa CoolPeel CO2 Laser effectively treats wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and other blemishes as well as tighten skin and balance tone. Traditional CO2 treatments have long been associated with considerable downtime; however, the precision and the control of the CoolPeel allows you to get the skin resurfacing benefits without the downtime and risk.
What are the benefits of the Cartessa CoolPeel Tetra CO2 Laser?
A Coolpeel laser treatment can only be done using the SmartXide Tetra CO2 laser. The Tetra is the latest, most advanced CO2 laser from Cartessa, a global leader in aesthetic technology. The Tetra CO2 laser offers the most flexibility and control that allows your provider at Be Youthful Aesthetics to deliver the exact treatment suited for your skin needs / type.
Only the Tetra CO2 laser can control its output to deliver high energy in extremely short-pulses to deliver impressive superficial, skin resurfacing results without the lingering heat that would traditionally damage the surrounding skin.
The results: better results, with less downtime.
What Areas Can Be Treated?
Treatment areas include face, neck, decollete, arms, hands, abdomen, knees. Essentially any skin surface can be treated. If you have a special case, please schedule a consultation and we’ll determine if this treatment or any other that we offer is right for you.
Is this treatment painful?
You may experience mild discomfort, but CoolPeel is less painful than other CO2 lasers. A specially formulated topical numbing cream makes the treatment comfortable.
How Long Are Treatments?
Treatments are quick. The service typically takes 10 minutes or less. If you choose to have topical numbing, you may wait for up to 30 minutes.
How Many Treatments Are Needed?
Many of our patients see amazing results from one, but many opt for 2-3 treatments with incredible results!
Is CoolPeel Right For Me?
This is an excellent option for most skin types to treat wrinkles, acne scarring, and discoloration. A discussion with one of our providers will be to help determine if this treatment, or one of the many others that we offer is right for you.
Why Are Multiple Treatments Needed?
The number of treatments required can vary from patient to patient. Your provider will determine the optimal amount at your consultation.
What Types of Results Can I Expect?
Significantly rejuvenated skin. You will notice significant improvement in skin texture, smoothness, and discoloration.